Faculty Achievements
Book Publications
Pierre Asselin
Vietnam's American War: A History (Cambridge Studies in US Foreign Relations)
Edward Beasley
The Chartist General: Charles James Napier, The Conquest of Sind, and Imperial Liberalism
Edward J. Blum
The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race in America
Abikal Borah
with Mobolanle Ebunoluwa Sotunsa, eds.
Imagining Vernacular Histories: Essays in Honor of Toyin Falola (Africa: Past, Present
& Prospects)
David P. Cline
From Reconciliation to Revolution: The Student Interracial Ministry, Liberal Christianity,
and the Civil Rights Movement
Gregory A. Daddis
Pulp Vietnam: War and Gender in Cold War Men's Adventure Magazines
Paula De Vos
Compound Remedies: Galenic Pharmacy from the Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain
Raechel Dumas
The Monstrous-Feminine in Contemporary Japanese Popular Culture
Kathyrn Edgerton-Tarpley
Tears from Iron: Cultural Responses to Famine in Nineteenth-Century China
Sarah S. Elkind
How Local Politics Shape Federal Policy: Business, Power, and the Environment in Twentieth-Century
Los Angeles
Joanne Ferraro
The Renaissance and the Wider World
Annika Frieberg
Peace at all Costs: Catholic Intellectuals, Journalists, and Media in Postwar Polish–German
Bonnie M. Harris
Philippine Sanctuary: A Holocaust Odyssey
Eve Kornfeld
Creating an American Culture, 1775-1800: A Brief History with Documents (The Bedford
Series in History and Culture)
Mathew Kuefler
The Making and Unmaking of a Saint: Hagiography and Memory in the Cult of Gerald of
Aurillac (The Middle Ages Series)
Lindsay A.H. Parker
Writing the Revolution: A French Woman’s History in Letters
Walter Penrose
Postcolonial Amazons: Female Masculinity and Courage in Ancient Greek and Sanskrit
John Putman
Boosting a New West: Pacific Coast Expositions, 1905-1916
Elizabeth Pollard
with Clifford Rosenberg
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart Companion Reader
Andrew Wiese
with Becky Nicolaides, eds.
The Suburb Reader
Chiou-Ling Yeh
Making an American Festival: Chinese New Year in San Francisco’s Chinatown
Recent Articles and Chapters
Baron, Lawrence. "Kristallnacht on Film: From Reportage to Reenactments, 1938-1948," The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945, Vol16 (2020).
Baron, Lawrence. "From Saints to Sinners: Teaching about the Motivations of Rescuers of Jews through Documentary and Feature Films," in Unlikely Heroes: The Place of Holocaust Rescuers in Research and Teaching, eds. Ari Kohen and Gerald J. Steinacher (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019), pp. 169-197.
Beasley, Edward. "British Views of Canada at the Time of Confederation," in Jacqueline D. Krikorian, Marcel Martel, and Adrian Schubert (eds), Globalizing Confederation: Canada and the World in 1867 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017): 161-177.
DeVos, Paula. “The Past and Future of Early Modern Pharmacy History,” Pharmacy and History, 61:3-4 (2019): 154-159.
DeVos, Paula. “Pharmacopoeias and the Textual Tradition in Galenic Pharmacy,” in Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early-Modern Atlantic World, edited by Mathew James Crawford and Joseph M. Gabriel (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019), pp. 19-44.
Edgerton-Tarpley, Kathryn. 2018. “饥饿符号学:从新文化史看灾害史研究” [The Semiotics of Starvation: New Cultural History Approaches to Disaster Studies], translated by Zhang Xia. In 灾荒与历史 [Disasters and History] 1 (October 2018): 1-18.
Edgerton-Tarpley, Kathryn. 2017. “A River Runs Through it: The Yellow River and the Chinese Civil War, 1946-1947.” Social Science History 41.2: 141-173.
Edgerton-Tarpley, Kathryn. 2017. “Famine in Imperial and Modern China.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History.
Ferraro, Joanne ed. A Cultural History of Marriage in the Renaissance and Early Modern Age (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020).
Ferraro, Joanne. “Female Agency, Subjectivity, and Disorder in Early Modern Venice,” in Popular Politics in an Aristocratic Republic, edited by Maartje Gelder and Claire Judde de Larivière (New York: Routledge, 2020), 158-175.
Ferraro, Joanne and Frederik Pederson, eds., A Cultural History of Marriage in the Medieval Age (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020).
Frieberg, Annika, with Martin Chung. 2017. “Introduction. Reconciling with the Past: Resources and Obstacles in a Global Perspective.“ Edited by Frieberg and Chung. Routledge.
Frieberg, Annika. 2017. “Forget and Forgive? Central European Memory Cultures, Models of Reconciliation, Post-war Polish-German Reconciliation.” Reconciling with the Past: Resources and Obstacles in a Global Perspective. Edited by Frieberg and Chung. Routledge.
Hillman, Susanne. “Narrating Survival: Dina Gottliebova in Conversation with Hilary Helstein,” Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History, published online: 15 Nov 2019.
Hillman, Susanne. "Tiger on Speed: The Trauma of Manic Modernity in Éilís Ní Dhuibhne's Fox, Swallow, Scarecrow," Studies in the Novel 52:2 (Summer 2020): 191-208.
Kazemi, Ranin. “Doctoring the Body and Exciting the Soul: Drugs and Consumer Culture in Medieval and Early Modern Iran,” Modern Asian Studies, 54.2 (March 2020): 554-617.
Kazemi, Ranin. 2017. “The ‘Black Winter’ of 1860-61: War, Famine, and the Political Ecology of Disasters in Qajar Iran”. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 37/1. 24-48.
Keller-Lapp, Heidi. "Reading, Acting and Writing Into Being: Ursulines as Jesuitesses in the French Atlantic World," in Derval Conroy, ed., Towards an Equality of the Sexes in Early Modern France (Routledge, 2021),
Kornfeld, Eve. "Failing to Teach, Disrupted Lessons, and Resistance in the 'History for Teachers' Classroom" in The History Teacher 53:4 (2020), 635-674.
Kornfeld, Eve. "History and the Mental Health Crisis: Preparing University Students to Live with Uncertainty through Authentic Research and Metacognition," The History Teacher 53:3 (2020), 561-585.
Kornfeld, Eve. "Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzschean Pedagogy in the History Classroom," Nietzsche and Critical Theory (Brill, 2019), 499-513.
Kornfeld, Eve. ""I Don’t Think a Belacani Would Know How to Do It Right:' Cultural Appropriation in Tony Hillerman’s The Ghostway," NEPCA 2017: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Northeast Popular Culture Association, Martin F. Norden and Robert E. Weir, eds. (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), 26-35.
Kuefler, Mathew. 2018. "Between Bishops and Barbarians: The Christian Rulers of the Later Roman Empire." In The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Political Culture in Europe, ed. Sean Brady et al. (London: Palgrave Macmillan), 37-62.
Kuefler, Mathew. 2018. "The Convertible Saint: Expeditus through Time and Space." Journal of Religious History 42, no. 1: 25-51.
Kuefler, Mathew. 2018. "The Formation of the Homosexual Subject in Late Roman Antiquity." In La construction du sujet exclus (IVe-VIe siècle): L’individu, la société et l’exclusion, ed. Sylvie Joie, Maria Cristina La Rocca, and Stéphane Gionni (Turnout, Belgium: Brepols, 2018), 227-40.
Kuefler, Mathew. 2018. "Homoeroticism in Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Acts, Identities, Cultures." American Historical Review 123, no. 4: 1246-66.
Kuefler, Mathew. “Physical and Symbolic Castration and the Holy Eunuch in Late Antiquity, Third to Sixth Centuries." in Celibate and Childless Men in Power: Ruling Bishops and Eunuchs in the Pre-Modern World, ed. Almut Höfert, Matthew M. Mesley, and Serena Tolino. London: Routledge, 2017, pp.177-91.
Passananti,Thomas. “Banking on Foreigners: Conflict and Accomodation within Mexico’s National Bank, 1881-1911,” in State Formation in the Liberal Era: Capitalisms and Claims of Citizenship in Mexico and Peru, edited by Ben Fallaw and David Nugent (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020), pp. 65-83.
Pollard, E.A. “’So Dearly Do We Pay for Our Luxury and Our Women:’ Women and the Margins of the Roman World.” in The Socio-Economic History and Material Culture of the Roman and Byzantine East: Essays in Honor of S. Thomas Parker. ed. Walter Ward. Gorgias Press, 2017. pp. 327-347.
Pollard, Elizabeth. 2017. “Leaky Women and the Fluid Margins of the Roman World.” in The Socio-Economic History and Material Culture of the Roman and Byzantine East: Essays in Honor of S. Thomas Parker. ed. Walter Ward. Gorgias Press, 2017.
Penrose, Walter. “Gender Diversity in Classical Greek Thought,” in Exploring Gender Diversity in the Ancient World, edited by Allison Surtees and Jennifer Dyer (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020), pp. 29-42.
Penrose, Walter. “The Unwanted Gaze? Feminism and the Reception of the Amazons in Wonder Woman,” EuGeStA 9 (2019): 176-224.
Wiese, Andrew, with Becky Nicolaides. 2017. “Suburbanization in the United States after 1945”. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History.
Research Sites
World History for Us All
World History for Us All is in development as a comprehensive model curriculum for teaching world history from early times to the present. The curriculum is the outcome of a two-year collaboration between scholars of world history and seasoned classroom teachers.